Which Tech Jobs are Safe from AI?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been disrupting various industries, and many people are concerned about its potential effects on the job market. While it’s true that AI is likely to impact some jobs negatively, there are other tech jobs that appear to be safe from automation. There is no way a machine can equally represent human skill and perfection because the input has to be so precise that there is no possibility of doing that yet. It might take a couple of years in order for that to develop further.

What is an AI?

AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that mimic human intelligence. This technology has proven to be incredibly useful, offering efficiency and accuracy while reducing the potential for errors. Basically, an AI should follow the steps to completing a task the same as a human should but with better accuracy and efficiency than a human (and lẹss cost).

Learn more about AI in our other post: https://viewabreast.com/what-is-an-ai/

Here are some of the tech jobs that seem relatively safe from being taken over by AI:

Data Scientists

While machine learning algorithms can analyze large datasets and identify patterns faster than humans can, they still require human input for interpretation and analysis. This is where data scientists come in – their role involves using statistical methods to extract insights from data and apply them towards solving business problems or developing new products.

Cybersecurity Analysts

As cyber threats continue growing increasingly sophisticated so too must our defenses against these threats evolve alongside them thus opening up opportunities within cybersecurity sector for developing intelligent defense mechanisms powered entirely via machine learning technologies however having someone with strong domain knowledge & experience handling security incidents remains invaluable even today!

Software Developers

The development of software requires creativity, problem-solving skills as well as an understanding of user needs which currently machines cannot replicate without considerable help at present! Therefore software developers will always remain essential players in any technology company providing services related programming languages such as Java Python among others too.

Network Architects & Engineers

Network architects design networks while network engineers implement them making sure everything runs smoothly allowing users connect devices seamlessly without any interruptions whether wired or wireless alike thereby ensuring efficient communication across different systems globally!

UX Designers

User Experience (UX) designers create interfaces between users & technology through which they interact enabling seamless experiences while interacting with digital platforms like websites applications smartphones etc.. It would take significant advances in natural language processing before we could envision a world where machines could completely replace UX designer roles!

Technical Writers/Documentation Specialists

These professionals play crucial roles creating technical documentation manuals guides among other things required explaining how use complex technological solutions properly. Until machines can write meaningful content that humans would find useful, technical writers will continue being essential in the tech industry.


While AI has the potential to automate many tasks and replace some jobs entirely, there are still several tech jobs that require human skills and creativity which cannot be easily replicated by machines. Therefore it’s important for individuals interested working within these fields stay up-to-date with latest developments & technologies emerging within their respective domains so they remain competitive against increasingly automated systems being deployed elsewhere! While a machine will always be able to be faster than a human, it will never be able to compete with perfection. Stay tuned for more articles regarding tech and AI!

Want more awesome content? Check our article page: https://viewabreast.com/blog/

Learn more about AI: https://viewabreast.com/what-is-an-ai/

Discover the development and history of AI: https://viewabreast.com/what-is-the-history-and-development-of-ai/

OpenAI’s DALL-E Website: https://openai.com/dall-e-2/

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