How Accurate is ChatGPT? Is it as Great?


From the release, ChatGPT has exploded in popularity and currently sits at over 100 Million user accounts which is very impressive for an AI. It is clear that it has helped people over the months that it has been active by now, from students that need help with completing their homework to individuals at work trying to finish their documents. The biggest reason for its popularity is not the usefulness as it is the pricing. ChatGPT is totally free to use but it also includes a 20$ per month subscription that helps you bypass a queue in case ChatGPT’s servers are full which can be quite useful if you need information fast. This subscription also helps the development and to keep the AI up and running since having so much traffic and requesting so much data can easily cost a fortune!

What is an AI?

AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that mimic human intelligence. This technology has proven to be incredibly useful, offering efficiency and accuracy while reducing the potential for errors. It is also supposed to be more cost-effective. Basically, an AI should follow the steps to completing a task the same as a human should but with better accuracy and efficiency than a human (and lẹss cost).

How can you Use ChatGPT at Work?

Working can be quite stressful but AI can save you valuable time that you can use for more important subjects at the office. ChatGPT can be used to create e-mail templates that you can use to send to your superiors in case you have no idea of a professional and convincing e-mail or it can rewrite the e-mail that you have already created. It’s not just e-mails, it can also create template documents, all you have to do is to fill it with the information you have. You can receive suggestions on how you can easily upgrade your skill in writing and also get advice on how to be professional in meetings such as, what are the best clothes, how can you start a beneficial discussion, how to mention different subjects, etc.

Is ChatGPT good for doing homework?

We have seen many students completing their homework with the help of ChatGPT. Doing essays or calculating different math problems with the help of an AI might seem like an educative experience but in reality, students prefer to copy-paste every single paragraph and forget about the whole thing. This clearly won’t help and if the teachers in class may ask them about the homework without being able to read it, they will get in serious trouble. Being responsible is the first step though and creating is a balance between human thinking and AI can be a great combo. ChatGPT can be the source of information and tips, while the students can work to patch the information together. This can help them rationalize the resources given by the AI to further complete the homework!


AI is an incredible tool and ChatGPT is no exception. With its high accuracy and well-developed and convincing answers, it can help you with ease in completing your daily tasks at work or school. Just keep in mind to be responsible when using it since it can be quite tempting to just copy-paste everything without verifying or reading the output of it. Although ChatGPT has a huge library of knowledge, it can also do mistakes or misinterpret your question if you aren’t so explicit. Make sure you check the output for any mistakes, and replace what might not fit your needs. That’s it for now, we will keep you updated with the newest news and tips about AI and ChatGPT. Till next time, stay informed!

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