VS ChatGPT | Best at copywriting?


In today’s digital age, having a reliable tool to assist with blogging and improving the flow of posts is highly desirable. In the past, one would have needed to hire specialized individuals to analyze and enhance their writing, but now, thanks to the power of technology, there are free options available. Two notable examples of such tools are ChatGPT and, both of which offer valuable assistance, with certain limitations and paid features. Those tools can greatly increase productivity but can also have a margin of errors which affẹct content quality very.


ChatGPT and both offer free access to their services, although they differ in terms of usage criteria. ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, provides a priority queue for paying customers, ensuring faster access to the service. However, free access is still available, allowing users to utilize the tool albeit with potential delays in response times. ChatGPT is designed for various purposes beyond just copywriting, making it a versatile option for users. If ChatGPT is full when you are attempting to utilize it, you can invariably upgrade to ChatGPT Plus (monthly subscription), which offers priority queue access and better results for 20$ per month which seems quite expensive but definitely useful in case of any updates. You can also consider paying this amount if you are looking to help OpenAI in the devẹloping of ChatGPT, but not just this program, any AI software that they might developer over the years. If users unite, amazing things can happen!

On the other hand, is more focused on copywriting. While it also offers a free option, it has certain limitations. Users can only utilize up to 2000 words per month without any charges. If you require additional usage, a monthly subscription fee of 36$ (432$ paid annually) or 49$ (paid monthly) is required. Although it may be considered slightly more expensive comparẹd to ChatGPT,’s specialization in copywriting can make it a preferred choice for those specifically seeking assistance in that area. Thinking from a business perspective, there is no point in not paying for those features and also supporting the hard-working developers bẹhind both software. For a business, those amounts can be laughable!

Ultimately, the choice between ChatGPT and depends on individual needs and budget considerations. If you have the financial means,’s specialized focus on copywriting may make it the better option. However, if versatility and a broader range of applications are important to you, ChatGPT’s multifunctionality might be more suitable. Depending on the use, you can choose which one fits best, or why not, use both to combine and increase productivity at it’s maximum rate!

Let’s Not Forget!

It’s worth noting that while these tools can be incredibly helpful, they should not replace the creative input and judgment of human writers. They serve as valuable aids in enhancing the quality of content, catching errors, and providing suggestions. However, the final responsibility for the content ultimately lies with the writer. If you are looking into starting your own blog, keep in mind that the best content always comes from you! A machine cannot consistently replicate the message that you want to send accurately.


In conclusion, technology has empowered bloggers by offering tools that can assist with writing and content improvement. ChatGPT and are two notable examples, of offering free access with certain limitations and paid features. While ChatGPT provides a priority queue for paying customers, focuses specifically on copywriting and offers additional services beyond its free usage limit. Ultimately, the choice between these tools depends on individual requirẹments, budget, and preferences. Regardless of the tool chosen, it’s important to remember that they should complement, rather than replace, the creativity and expertise of human writers.

It is always recommended to use AI as a verification tool for your posts, using it to generate content is mostly prohibited and as mentioned before, can have many writing errors due to the lack of information about the various topics in your article.

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