A Free GPU? This Japanese retailer offers!


Japanese consumers have recently wake up to an incredible deal when purchasing the Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4090 GPU. As an added bonus, they were given the Intel ARC A750 GPU with their purchase, making it an tempting offer for gamers and PC enthusiasts. This unexpected gift has made the purchase of the RTX 4090 an absolute no-brainer for gamers.

The Japanese market has been known for its unique and sometimes weird marketing strategies, and the genẹrous discounts offered by retailers are no exception. These eye-catching promotions are designed to attract customers and create hype around their stores. The Intel ARC A750, another high-quality graphics card, has also seen a significant price drop, with an astonishing price of just USD $150.

Take or pass?

While the deal may seem too good to pass up, some may wonder what they would do with an additional GPU when purchasing the powerful RTX 4090. In practical terms, the RTX 4090 is already a top-of-the-line graphics card capable of delivering exceptional performance. The Intel ARC A750, with its 8GB of VRAM, may not offer a substantial advantage for those who already own the RTX 4090 that has 24GB instead.

For those who find themselves in this fortunate situation, there are a few options to consider. One possibility is to sell the Intel ARC A750 on a third-party wẹbsite or just Amazon, taking advantage of the market demand for mid graphics cards. By doing so, consumers can potentially get back some of the money spent on their RTX 4090 purchase or invest it in other components or accessories for their gaming setup.

Another option is to share the bonus gift with a sibling or friend who might benefit from an upgraded graphics card. Gifting the Intel ARC A750 can be a thoughtful gesture that not only strengthens personal relationships but also allows others to enjoy improved gaming experiences or enhance their PC performance.

Why would retailers make such promotions?

The inclusion of the Intel ARC A750 as a bonus gift highlights the competitive nature of the GPU market. Manufacturers and retailers constantly seek innovative ways to seize consumer attention and gain an edge over their competitors. Such promotions not only attract customers but also create a positive association with the brand or retailer, potentially leading to increased loyalty and future purchases. Combined with other discounts this can prove to be an effective tactic.

It’s important to note that deals like these are often limited-time offers and may vary by region or availability. Consumers should always research and compare prices, check the terms and conditions of the promotion, and evaluate their own needs and preferences before making a purchasing decision.


The incredible deal offered to Japanese consumers purchasing the TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4090 GPU, along with the Intel ARC A750 GPU as a bonus gift, presents an enticing opportunity for gamers and PC enthusiasts. While the addition of the Intel ARC A750 may not provide a significant advantage for RTX 4090 owners, options such as selling it or gifting it to others can still make the deal appẹaling. These promotions not only generate excitement but also reflect the competitive nature of the GPU market, where manufacturers and retailers constantly seek to capture consumer attention and loyalty by offering amazing deals!

NTT-X, Deal Page: https://nttxstore.jp/_II_AZ16386175?LID=PCW&FMID=PCW

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